The sequel to Insurgent. This picks up at the end of Insurgent.
Tris is at Erudite headquarters following the attack. She and others are being held as traitors. Tobias is part of his mother Evelyn's group controlling the faction less. Tris, Tobias and some of their group decide to leave the city and travel beyond the fence to see what's out there. Caleb is brought along even though he betrayed Tris and helped the people trying to kill her. They end up in a compound which is the old airport. There the Bureau or government have control. It turns out they believe there are two types of people the GP or genetically pure and the GD or genetically damaged. The GP are people who after generations after the botched genetics tests show signs that their genetics are repaired. The GD still have damaged genetics. It turns out that Tris is GP and Tobias is GD.
Tris finds out that her mother once was part of the Bureau and she is allowed to read her diary. Which after a while she allows Caleb to read it, although she still has not forgiven him. Tris discovers that the Bureau helped or didn't help the people in the city, to their advantage. She is asked to start training for the council and agrees so she can keep the enemy close. There is an attack on the compound and Uriah is seriously injured. And, as with the other books you have the developing love of Tris and Tobias.
AMAZON - Allegiant
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